Today's post features my Paris located reader, PriyaSuresh. Priya is a talented cook who is also endowed with crafting skills. No wonder then does aesthetic sense and food decoration come across so naturally!
Priya says her technique to make food look more inviting is to sprinkle on it an edible. The key however is to choose an edible that has a different color than the dish itself.
Priya's garnishes her beautiful Rose kalakand, with green pistachios while her Mango and Tapoica pudding has been decorated with white almond flakes.
No doubt do contrasting colors brighten and spring up the look of a delicacy. Salsas, chutneys, and condiments etc can sometimes add a riot of color to a bland presentation. Try serving them on the plate instead of in a dish on the side. Your efforts will be rewarded with Wows. So next time you are confused over the garnishing part of a dish that took you hours to cook, consider throwing in some color to add life to your delicious treat and sit back to enjoy the rave reviews!
As they say it, we eat with our eyes as well as our mouths. A dish that arises an appetite is the one that makes your mouth water just at the sight of the dish. To make a dish looks appealing may only need simple instructions and some forethought to make it look that enticing. So keep reading, Food Fanatic has many more posts on Garnishing tips and techniques coming up!
Garnishing tip and techniques archive:
Unconventional wonders: garnish using a stencil
Marvel with vegetables: garnish by carving carrots
Simplicity sensation: garnish using ingredients of the dish
nice info on garnishing...Belated Happy ugadi :)
Thanks for the tips..I always adore the way priya presents her dish!
These are some really good tips!
Thanks for this post FF...Am happy!
Not to mention the added richness these wonderful garnishes bring to the dish. Nice thinking :)
priya is my best friend and i like her recipes and food presentation and she is simply superb Thank you so much for those very usefull tips nice post dear
Nice post with some useful tips !
Nice post FF..:)
Thanks for the tips on garnishing. Rose Kalakand looks yummy!
kalakand looks lovely and good tips on garnishing....nice post.
some more great tips:) Thanks girl
Lavanya!! So happy to see you back. Happy ugadi to you too!
Madhu, you are most welcome.
Thanks, Neema.
I am happy you are happy Priya. Looking forward on such associations in future as well.
Good point A_and_N!
You are welcome Rekha, Varsha, Usha, Meenal, LG and Adlak!
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