The aromatic flavour of herbs mesmerizes while the chicken curry masala is a delight to the senses. The paste of tomato adds a kick on the tangy side while the goodness of turmeric unrelentingly acts as a purifier. The tempering with oil in mustard seeds completes the taste of the dish by adding just the right pungent flavour making it an Indian classic.
P.S. This is my friend's recipe. I only helped but I was given the permission to post this on my blog :)
1. Boneless chicken pieces
2. Salt to taste
3. Chicken curry powder
4. Turmeric powder
5. Red chili powder
6. Olive oil
7. Mustard seeds
8. Cumin seeds
9. Garlic, minced
10.Ginger, minced
11. Onions, chopped
12. Tomato paste
13. Coriander leaves, chopped.
1. Wash and cut into bite sized pieces.
2. Add chicken curry masala, red chili powder and marinate for about 15-30 mins.
3. Heat oil in a pan then add mustard seeds.
4. When they splutter, add cumin seeds, garlic, ginger, onion. Sautee.
5. Add tomato paste and cook until it leaves the oil.
6. Add chicken and mix well.
7. Add salt and cover. Cook until a knife can pierce through it and come out clean.
8. Add chopped coriander leaves.
Serve with Parantha or rice.
One reader was generous enough to leave the following kind words about my blog:
"Man!!! this is a wicked link . . .Congratulations! This is one excellent blog!!! I feel proud to know you! How did you learn so much about cooking? You also write so humbly. Swami Nityananda says that included in the ingredients of the food one eats is the thoughts of the cook whilst cooking it - in this case I can feel the sincere sharing in your writing so I know that when I try your recipies, even though I am just learning to cook, the dish will be overflowing with goodness :-)"
THANK YOU! I am humbled all the more!
Chicken looks really yumm.
chicken looks super yumm....very nice..mouthwatering!!
Chicken looks yumm..Nice pic..
I really like this. Looks very Yumm!!!!
Chicken looks yummyyyyyyy
Looks spicy and yum.
Chicken curry looks yum!
Looks yummy.
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